Flameshock says: WELCOME!!!
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Islands Of Myth


What you see...
Sorry about the pop-ups. It is a free hosting I am using you know!

There is a poll for all to try, it is a bit lower down.
You can go to the 'Board' page and discuss about the war between United States and Iraq.

I will update my site as often as possible...but that is provided that i have the time to do so... (you know! with all the studies i must do when i am secondary 3 (grade 9) under Singapore government...)

Last updated: 19/03/2003
Those who play IOM?
Those who play IOM, please look on the left side bar, and click on the 'Islands Of Myth' button.

Raccoon fanatic?!?
A raccoon fanatic I am not! I just think they are cute...

Info Board...
There is a Info board where you can post feedback and messages.
Info Board